Tuesday, November 4, 2008

South Sound Technology Conference 2008

Hello everyone,

Join us at the Institute of Technology at 8:30am on November 21st for the Ninth Annual South Sound Technology Conference. Held in the new William Phillips Hall on the University of Washington, Campus, the days topics will range from Google's Cloud Computing to Sagem Morpho's Facial Recognition software with an emphasis throughout the day on fostering innovation and technology to solve problems and create opportunity. The event will conclude at 1:00pm with a panel of local software and technology companies from the South Sound, such as Prepared Response and Newtech, providing updates and discussing new product initiatives. The conference is free but registration is highly recommended. To RSVP your attendance, send your confirmation email to Zaide Chavez (zaidec@u.washington.edu) at the Institute of Technology.

For more information or questions contact Andrew Fry

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