On Thursday, November 13, 2008 from 12:30pm - 1:20pm in Pinkerton 131, Steve Hanks, Professor of CSS, and consulting CSO, Adready will present:
"Optimization and Online Display Advertising"Online display advertising has traditionally been managed by agencies and optimized by humans. Smaller, more local businesses have been limited to media like print advertisements and direct mail. Advances in technology are starting to make the online channel available to smaller advertisers who cannot afford to hire an agency to build and manage their ad campaigns, and at the same time changes in consumers' buying and browsing habits is making online advertising much more effective in reaching even local customers.
Adready is a Seattle startup offering self-service technology allowing an advertiser to compose, deploy, and monitor online display ad campaigns. Its low fee structure and minimum budget opens the channel to small advertisers. Of particular technological interest is the optimization component: ideally the advertiser tells the Adready system what business goals s/he wants to accomplish through the campaign, and the system uses the budget optimally, in terms of fine-tuning the creative and the message, and deploying the ads in the best possible places and at the best possible times.
Professor Hanks explains:
Building an optimization system like this reveals plenty of interesting theoretical and engineering problems. And while optimization has a very long and very rich academic literature -- even in related areas like search-engine optimization -- starting with the needs dictated by building a practical system often leads to a very different problem statement and set of issues than one sees in the academic literature. In this talk I will sketch out the area of online display advertising and the optimization problem, point out the pressing technical problems, and talk a little about what we are doing at Adready to solve them.
About AdReady, info and above screen shot from their website:
AdReady is an advertising technology company focused on making online display advertising accessible and effective for advertisers of all sizes. Through AdReady’s data-rich library of proven creative, real-time ad customization tools, and intuitive web-based interface, marketers are learning that AdReady makes it easy to build and run effective online display ad campaigns in minutes.