Friday, November 7, 2008

Center of Excellence in Information Assurance Research

Dr. Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, Director of the Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity at the University of Washington presents a NSA/DHS certificate to the Director of the Institute of Technology, Dr. Orlando Baiocchi.

The University of Washington Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity (CIAC) was awarded designation as an NSA/DHS Center of Excellence in Information Assurance Research, having been an NSA/DHS Center of Excellence in Information Assurance Education since 2004. The Center was originally formed under the leadership and guidance of the University of Washington Institute of Technology (Larry Crum and Steve Hanks), the Computer Science and Engineering Dept Seattle campus (Ed Lazowska and David Notkin) and the Information School (Mike Eisenberg).

The CIAC is one of only 23 such Centers in the United States and is distinguished from the others by the multidisciplinary research agenda that crosses several departments--law, mathematics, information and computer sciences--and a research partnership with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

South Sound Technology Conference 2008

Hello everyone,

Join us at the Institute of Technology at 8:30am on November 21st for the Ninth Annual South Sound Technology Conference. Held in the new William Phillips Hall on the University of Washington, Campus, the days topics will range from Google's Cloud Computing to Sagem Morpho's Facial Recognition software with an emphasis throughout the day on fostering innovation and technology to solve problems and create opportunity. The event will conclude at 1:00pm with a panel of local software and technology companies from the South Sound, such as Prepared Response and Newtech, providing updates and discussing new product initiatives. The conference is free but registration is highly recommended. To RSVP your attendance, send your confirmation email to Zaide Chavez ( at the Institute of Technology.

For more information or questions contact Andrew Fry

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Computing News: Earthquake Detection

From The Wired Campus:
Seismologists at the University of California at Riverside and Stanford University are creating an earthquake-detection network on the cheap by using distributed-computing technology to link up laptop computers that have built-in motion sensors. The researchers’ Quake-Catcher Network has already detected several quakes — in Nevada in April and in Los Angeles in late July.

Check out their website to find out how you can join the Quake-Catcher Network with your own laptop or desktop!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ACM Panel: Globalization & Technology

UW Tacoma's ACM chapter is hosting a panel on Thursday, October 23rd at 2:30pm in Carwein Auditorium.

From the flyer:
Technology is enabling the world to connect in diverse ways! Technologists need to focus on making effective use of global markets and resources. Join us in this discussion of various perspectives and challenges faced by technologists in a global society.
All are welcome!

  • Nitin Ahuja (Entercoms)
  • Lewis A. McMurran (WTIA-Washington Technology Industry Association)
  • Samir Manjure (Microsoft Corporation)
  • George Mobus (University of Washington Tacoma)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Institute on Facebook!

Join the Institute of Technology on Facebook! Become a fan and post your own pictures, videos, and comments. Post info about an upcoming student org meeting, pictures from your latest trip to Chalet Bowl, cool stuff you have been learning at your internship, an invitation for getting down to serious business on Rock Band or Halo, or the latest idea you have been pondering.

Alumni of the Institute should join too and let us know what life is like after graduation!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Institute Web site updated!

Hi all! Please take a look at our updated web site for the Institute of Technology! We have made several additions/changes and basically jazzed up the site! What do you think? We plan to do more but any input would be appreciated.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Local and Regional Information Assurance and Cybersecurity Events

Mark your calendars for a couple of upcoming events if you have an interest in computer and information security. The first is coordinated and produced by and the second is being participated in by the Grey Hat Group, a student organization at the University of Washington, Tacoma dedicated to promoting awareness, education, and research into computer security. The event the group is presenting, now in its second year, is the Northwest Security Symposium. Knows as NWSec, the event features student, academic, and professional presentations on topics ranging from cryptography to computer forensics.

The conference is scheduled for May 7th and 8th, 2008 and will provide a broad perspective and in-depth technical sessions based on leading information assurance and cyber security topics. This event invites local businesses, military personnel, and Fortune 500 corporations to interact with each other, increase awareness of critical issues, and view important academic and industry presentations.

Presentations will be given in the Carwein Auditorium of the Keystone building on the UWT Campus and has a great array of speakers from Dickie George to Kirk Bailey. Check it out on their web site.

The Grey Hats are also competing in the upcoming 1st Pacific Rim Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition on April 26 – 27, 2008 in conjunction with the Center for Information Assurance & Cybersecurity, University of Washington. The event will happen on the Microsoft Campus in Redmond and is similar to the great event that the group held with West Point and Fort Lewis last year.